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ericas and beyond. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences104:18566.

Keele, B. F. 2006. Chimpanzee reservoirs of pandemic and nonpandemic HIV-1. Science313:523–26.

Montagnier, L. 2010. 25 Years after HIV discovery: Prospects for cure and vaccine. Virology397:248–54.

Worobey, M., M. Gemmel, D. E. Teuwen, et al. 2008. Direct evidence of extensive diversity of HIV-1 in Kinshasa by 1960. Nature455:661–64.

8 融入美国

Brault, A. C. 2009. Changing patterns of West Nile virus transmission:Altered vector competence and host susceptibility. Veterinary Research40:43.

Diamond, M. S. 2009. Progress on the development of therapeutics against West Nile virus. Antiviral Research83:214–27.

Gould, E. A., and S. Higgs. 2009. Impact o

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