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f climate change and other factors on emerging arbovirus diseases. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene103:109–21.

Hamer, G. L, U. D. Kitron, T. L. Goldberg, et al. 2009. Host selection by Culex pipiens mosquitoes and West Nile virus amplification.AmericanJournal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene80:268.

Sfakianos, J. N. 2009. West Nile Virus. 2nd ed. New York: Chelsea House.

Venkatesan M., and J. L. Rasgon. 2010. Population genetic data suggest a role for mosquito-mediated dispersal of West Nile virus across the western United States. Molecular Ecology19:1573–84.

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Holmes, E. C., and A. Rambaut. 2004. Viral evolution and the emergence of SARS coronavirus. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal S

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