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virus: trade-offs,coexistence, and origins of high-risk and low-risk types. Journal ofInfectious Diseases205:272–79.

Schiffman, M., R. Herrero, R. DeSalle, et al. 2005. The carcinogenicity of human papillomavirus types reflects viral evolution.Virology337:76–84.

Shulzhenko, N., H. Lyng, G. F. Sanson, and A. Morgun. 2014. Ménage à trois: An evolutionary interplay between human papillomavirus, a tumor, and a woman. Trends in Microbiology22:345–53.

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Adhya, S., C. R. Merril, and B. Biswas. 2014. Therapeutic and prophylactic applications of bacteriophage components in modern medicine. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine4:a012518.

Brussow, H. 2005. Phage therapy: The Escherichia coli experience. Microbiology151:2133.

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