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参考文献(6 / 18)

Deresinski, S. 2009. Bacteriophage therapy: Exploiting smaller fleas.Clinical Infectious Diseases48:1096–101.

Summers, W. C. 2001. Bacteriophage therapy. Annual Reviews in Microbiology55:437–51.

5 感染的海洋

Angly, F. E., B. Felts, M. Breitbart, et al. 2006. The marine viromes of four oceanic regions. PLoS Biology4 (11):e368.

Breitbart, M. 2012. Marine viruses: Truth or dare. Annual Review of Marine Sciences4:425–48.

Brussaard, C. P. D., S. W. Wilhelm, F. Thingstad, et al. 2008. Global-scale processes with a nanoscale drive: The role of marine viruses. ISMEJournal2:575–78.

Danovaro, R., A. Dell'Anno, C. Corinaldesi, et al. 2008. Major viral impact on the functioning of benthic deep-sea ecosystems. Nature454:1084–87.


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