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s, C., B. Rodriguez-Brito, S. Rayhawk, et al. 2008. Biodiversity and biogeography of phages in modern stromatolites and thrombolites.Nature452:340–43.

Keen, E.C. 2015. A century of phage research: Bacteriophages and the shaping of modern biology. Bioessays37:6–9.

Rohwer, F., and R. Vega Thurber. 2009. Viruses manipulate the marine environment. Nature459:207–12.

Rohwer, F., M. Youle, H. Maughan, and N. Hisakawa. 2015. Life in OurPhage World. San Diego: Wholon.

Suttle, C. A. 2007. Marine viruses—major players in the global ecosystem. Nature Reviews Microbiology5:801–12.

Van Etten, J. L., L. C. Lane, and R. H. Meints. 1991. Viruses and viruslike particles of eukaryotic algae. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews55:586.

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