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参考文献(14 / 18)

. Nossiter. 2014. Ebola's deadline escape. New York Times, December 30, 2014, D1.

Skowronski, D. M., C. Astell, R. C. Brunham, et al. 2005. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS): A year in review. Annual Review ofMedicine56:357–81.

WHO Ebola Response Team. 2014. Ebola virus disease in West Africa—the first 9 months of the epidemic and forward projections.New England Journal of Medicine371:1481–95.

Wolfe, N. 2009. Preventing the next pandemic. Scientific America, April 2009, 76–81.

10 漫长的告别

Damon, I. K., C. R. Damaso, and G. McFadden. 2014. Are we there yet?The smallpox research agenda using variola virus. PLoS Pathogens10:e1004108.

Dormitzer, P. R., P. Suphaphiphat, D. G. Gibson, et al. 2013. Synthetic generation of influe

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