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nza vaccine viruses for rapid response to pandemics. Science Translational Medicine5:185ra68.

Hughes, A. L., S. Irausquin, and R. Friedman. 2010. The evolutionary biology of poxviruses. Infection, Genetics and Evolution10:50–59.

Jacobs, B. L., J. O. Langland, K. V. Kibler, et al. 2009. Vaccinia virus vaccines: Past, present and future. Antiviral Research84:1–13.

Kennedy, R. B., I. Ovsyannikova, and G. A. Poland. 2009. Smallpox vaccines for biodefense. Vaccine27 (Suppl):D73–79.

Koplow, D. A. 2003. Smallpox: The Fight to Eradicate a Global Scourge.Berkeley: University of California Press.

Kosuri, S., and G. M. Church. 2014. Large-scale de novo DNA synthesis:Technologies and applications. Nature Methods11:499–507.

Mariner, J. C.

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